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Posts tagged “Mental



This is the first co-production between Fox International Channels (FIC) y Fox Television Studios (FtvS). It’s also the first U.S. English-language drama to be shot by Fox Telecolombia, in Bogota, Colombia. Mental is a drama that explores the complexity of the human brain like never seen before. Every week there is a different patient with a different crisis. Every crisis is a mystery, a confusion, or even a wrong diagnosis from other doctors. Original of UK, Jack Gallagher is a compulsive traveler who has taken a position as the director of a psychiatric hospital in L.A. to be in the same city as his twin sister. Fascinated with the power of the human brain since he was a child, Jack is psychiatrist with unorthodox treatment usingunusual methods for the sake of his patient’s mental health. He is overseen by Nora, the department administrator who is also his ex-lover. For Jack, each case is like a puzzle. Jack has the ability of seeing what every patient has in his head, see the world as them they do and give them a perspective to their own worlds. Unfortunately, much of his colleagues don’t agree with his methods and they will do anything to get him out of the clinic. Day after day he fights against the schizophrenia of his sister and is afraid to end of being one more victim of this serious mental illness. He is ready to break some rules for the well-being of his patients. For him the most important thing is to get into the mind of his patients, seeing reality as they do and make them understand that the doctors are a part of their recovery. Jack thinks that both the doctors and the patients have much more in common than what they are ready to recognize. (taken from here)

If you like House, you’ll like that series too. It is still the first season so it’s not to late to catch up all the events. I didn’t know a lot of actors in this series but they all seem to bee pretty good. It makes use of the prejudices and fears society has when it comes to mental institutions. Things like … they are never going to let me out again …. or …. they’ll give me tons of drugs and electrocute me. Watch from beginning, the first episode is great.