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Posts tagged “Friends

Mr. Sunshine

MR. SunshineMatthew Perry stars as Ben Donovan, the self-involved manager of a second-rate San Diego sports arena who begins to re-evaluate his life on his 40th birthday. Working alongside him is his boss and arena owner, Crystal-attractive, powerful and highly erratic; Alice-the cute, tomboyish marketingdirector and Ben’s friend with benefits; Alonzo-a former basketball player, handsome and unbelievably happy; Ben’s assistant, Heather-pretty, sweet, but terrifying because she once lit a boyfriend on fire; Crystal’s son, Roman-sweet-faced, clueless and Ben’s newest employee; and a hapless operations crew whom Ben refers to collectively as the “Steves.” (taken from here)

There is another comeback this season for one of the “Friends”. After Joey on Episodes now Chandler in Mr. Sunshine.

The plot is simple and to be honest I thought it’s a little dull. Ben Donovan (Mathew Perry) is the top manager of a arena. That’s it. Sounds dull but in fact is isn’t. If you think about it you could imagine nearly every story taking place. So the ground for a long running show is set. It all comes down to the actors. To sum it up: Methew is very funny but there are some anoying character as well. For example the owner of the arena. She is a crossover between Lady Gaga and Cher. Dosen’t work at all. Gladly she isn’t that important 😉

I watched the first episodes and kind  of liked it. Mattew Perry is great and thats what fans want! So try it and judge for yourself.

Here a little impression:


Friends favorite Matt LeBlanc teams up with David Crane of the Friends fame and Jeffrey Klarik of Mad About You to serve up a single-camera comedy about a the television business. The Showtime project will focus on the funny process of reworking a hit British show for American audiences. (taken from here)

After a long time with little or nearly no interesting new shows to watch I finally found one that’s worth being promoted.
The show is called Episodes and is an attempt to integrate Matt LeBlanc into a show other than Friends. And what can I say …. it is great!!
We’ll have to wait for the story to unfold but what I saw so far looks promising.
Matt doesn’t try to make the Friends history forgotten and that is quite an achievement these days. Everybody thinks of him as Joey and to ignore that would be catastrophic. Nobody would buy a different character. That being said, Matt certainly needs to shift the publics view of himself to something else in order to be interesting and maybe usable for other things like movies or different shows.
This format is perfect for that. The viewer gets Joey and the “real” Matt (which is obviously the publics view of him and not himself).
The concept of the show is also not to dry and that will make it a big hit in the future. I’m curious how Matt will unfold that challenge.

I love it.